Assorted Lines: Antiques


Enfield: Welcome, Master! Would you like to have tea with me? I’ve readied all kinds of tea and sweets!

Snider: That you, Master? Did you come to invite me to the battlefield? Hm? boring.

George: Master, welcome! It’s kinda messy in here, but don’t worry about it! Haha! ☆

Kentucky: Welcome in, Master! Ah, did my bedspread catch your interest? It’s my handiwork, y’see~!

Pennsylvania: That should do it... Oh, Master. Could you have a seat on this sofa, please? I built it, so... is it comfortable?

Charleville: Master. ♪ I was hoping I’d see you. I just received some delicious sweets, straight from France. Shall we eat together?

Chassepot: Hello, Master. I’m happy you came. How do you feel about my room? I want it to be a place you can feel calm...

Tabatiere: Oh? So the ever-popular Master decided to visit my room? Well then, guess I need to make you feel welcome.

Dreyse: Hmph... 98, 99, hmph... 100! Oh, Master. I didn’t notice you come in.Do you need me for something?

Jitte: Hey! I’m happy you came, Master. How do green tea and rakugan1 sound? Ah... or would black tea be better?

Karl: You’re working hard, aren’t you? Here’s a present for you; high-quality chocolate that’s the pride of Vienna.

Lorenz: Welcome to my room, Test Subject #2. I’m impressed that you came to me on your own. Let’s begin the experiment right away.

Cutlery: Thank you for stopping by. You’re not empty-handed, are you?


1A type of hard candy made from sugar and rice flour.

Present Reactions


Favorite (Bond 50+): This is wonderful! My deepest thanks for your consideration, and don’t hesitate to ask anything of me in return.

Like (Bond 30+): Thank you very much, Master. I shall make use of it immediately. Yes!

Neutral (Bond 10+): ...oh? Master, was this intended to be a gift for someone else, perhaps?



Favorite (Bond 50+): ...oh, that’s... Mmh... I’m pleased. You did well choosing it.

Like (Bond 30+): Oh, not bad. I’ll take it, I guess.

Neutral (Bond 10+): ...don’t want it.



Favorite (Bond 50+): Amazing...! That’s Master for you, always gonna know what I like. I’ll take good care of it! Thank you!

Like (Bond 30+): Oh, this is nice! Thank you, Master! I’m super happy.

Neutral (Bond 10+): Eeeh... Um, I don’t li... No! Th-Thank you! Haha!



Favorite (Bond 50+): Master...! This is exactly what I wanted! Thanks a bunch, seriously! Wow, it’s almost too good to use!

Like (Bond 30+): Is it really okay for me to have this? Thanks! I’ll treasure it!

Neutral (Bond 10+): U-Um... Ah, no! It’s nothing. I’m grateful, yep!



Favorite (Bond 50+): Master... thank you. I’m happy to receive such a wonderful gift. I’ll treasure it forever.

Like (Bond 30+): Mhmm... that looks pretty good. it alright if I upcycle it?

Neutral (Bond 10+): That’s a strange choice, Master... Ah, well. You went to the trouble for me, so I’ll take it.



Favorite (Bond 50+): This is for me...? Yay! Merci, Master. ♪

Like (Bond 30+): A present for me? Hehe, I’m happy. Thank you~

Neutral (Bond 10+): Ah— ...haha. Yes, thank you.



Favorite (Bond 50+): Master...! You remembered the kind of thing I like. Merci, I’m very pleased.

Like (Bond 30+): You’re giving this to me? ...hehe, thank you.

Neutral (Bond 10+): Thank you.



Favorite (Bond 50+): This is for me...? Thank you, Master. Ahh, I’m truly charmed... Heheh.

Like (Bond 30+): Thank you for the gift, Master. I’ll be thinking about what to give you in return. Don’t get your hopes up to high, though, please.

Neutral (Bond 10+): Master...? This is kind of strange taste... Well, I don’t think it’s bad.



Favorite (Bond 50+): This is... wonderful. Now, what to do with it...

Like (Bond 30+): Oh... this is a good object, in terms of practicality. I’ll take it.

Neutral (Bond 10+): Hm... what’s this? What am I supposed to do with something like this...?



Favorite (Bond 50+): Oh...! This is great. You sure it’s alright to give it to someone like me? I’ll treasure it. Thank you.

Like (Bond 30+): Oh, thank you. This looks pretty good!

Neutral (Bond 10+): Ah... th-thank you. I’ll be sure to make use of it, so it doesn’t go to waste.



Favorite (Bond 50+): Mmm, this is...! How magnificent...! My opinion of you is greatly improving!

Like (Bond 30+): Mhmm... this is, well, it’s alright. Since you went to the trouble of giving it to me, I’ll be sure to find a use for it.

Neutral (Bond 10+): Why did you select this as a gift for me...? I think this requires a bit of discussion between us.


Favorite (Bond 50+): How splendid... This is truly a gift worthy of me. I’ll treasure it throughout its use.

Like (Bond 30+): Hmm, that’s a decent object. I can make good use of it.

Neutral (Bond 10+): What is this...? Please, explain to me what you were thinking...


Favorite (Bond 50+): Uwah...! This is for me? Really? Th-Thank you...

Like (Bond 30+): Ehh... not bad. You’ve got pretty good taste, don’t you?

Neutral (Bond 10+):It’s not really good or bad... kind of. I’ll take it, for now, I guess.

Maintenance (Unlock)

Enfield: Master! I give myself to you. If it’s someone like you, why would I hesitate? Yes! However, um, one reminder. Remodeling... please refrain from that.

Snider: Hey, you. ...I’ve heard that maintenance is beneficial. So, I’ve decided that technique should be used on me. If you have the time to hang around those other guns, you can be the one to perform it. Understand?

George: Master, HELP!! Help me with my gun’s maintenance, please~!! I’m clumsy ‘n all, but my gun— my gun is his gun too ...and I want to keep it nice for him!

Kentucky: It’s true that a sniper shouldn’t stand out, but... decoration’s gotta be a different deal! I’ve gotta look unique, ‘cause I’m a Kentucky rifle! I’d be really grateful if you could give it a try! Really!!

Pennsylvania: Any mistake with a sniper rifle is fatal— no. You also use one. I don’t need to say that. That considered, it’d be a learning experience for you to work with an old gun like mine once in a while. Hold out your hands... see, just like this.

Charleville: Hey, Master! Take my gun for a moment, please? ......i-it’s not heavy, is it? Oh, I hope it’s not! Nnn... More than just polishing it, maybe I should be going on a diet as well. What do you think?

Chassepot: Master, I... I’d like for you to touch my gun. My gun is stained with my sins. It’s not something I want to show you, but... this is a trial I know I have to overcome.

Tabatiere: Master, may I ask you something? If it’s alright, I’d like it if you could take care of my gun... Um, I mean... only if you have the time for it, of course!

Dreyse: With your integrity and knowledge of firearms, I trust you. Therefore, as a show of that trust, I place my gun under your care. I’m prepared to give every part of myself to you— please treat me well.

Jitte: Master, can I have a moment? This is my “Jitte”. Can you try holding it? I’m... awfully different from a normal gun, you see. I’d like for you to be familiar with it, at least.

Karl: Well, I guess it’s about time. I’m asking you to perform my gun’s maintenance. the way, do you know what it means for a Musketeer to “entrust his gun to you”? Haha. Since you understand that, you want to touch it, don’t you?

Lorenz: Test Subject #2! We’re beginning a new experiment immediately! That being, we will attempt to strengthen the connection between Musketeer and Master through contact with the gun. To start, you may touch my most outstanding gun. Go on, do it!

Cutlery: Hey, um... I have something to ask of you... Would you be alright with doing my guns’ maintenance? Handle them carefully, like you would silver tableware.

Maintenance (Completion)

Enfield: Oh... as expected of my Master! My gun is practically shining! Magnificent! I’ll make some milk tea for you as thanks. ♪

Snider: Hm... you’re good at polishing a gun. With a shine like this, Enfield might want to be remodeled to be just like it.

George: Thank you! It’s all sparkly now! This isn’t just my gun, y’know, so I need to keep it nice!

Kentucky: Ngh... Master! I’m... I’m impressed!! You polished it to perfection, and... I devote my life to you!!

Pennsylvania:Thank you, Master. I... I like to watch your hands when you’re working with a gun. It’s... lovely, really.

Charleville: Merci! ♪ It’s sparkling! When I was struggling, my gun looked cloudy no matter how much I polished it... it’s really beautiful now.

Chassepot: My gun... is forever marked with traces of suffering that can’t be wiped away. And yet, when you’re touching it... I feel a little more at peace.

Tabatiere: Wow, it turned out gorgeous...! You’re truly skillful, Master. Thank you!

Dreyse: Not a single fingerprint is left... ...I’m grateful. I... I don’t allow humans to touch my gun, but... if it’s you...

Jitte: Thanks for the maintenance, Master! Aahh, I’m really happy...! I think I’ll be grinning for the rest of the day.

Karl: ...splendid. I’m grateful. Of the humans I’ve allowed to tend to my gun... you’re the second one in the world.

Lorenz: Now... yes, it’s perfect, Test Subject! Truly impressive. Positive feedback is a verified success... hm.

Cutlery: Hmm... Well, was that too bad? Is it okay if I ask you to do it every day?

Gifts From Musketeers (25 Interactions)

Enfield —> Snider (Homemade Scones)

Enfield: Master, if you see Snider, could you please give this to him for me? I believe he refused his meal again today. Thank you very much!

Snider: This is from Enfield, you say? ...what’s gotten into him? Ah... or was it your idea?


Snider —> Enfield (6-Point Wrench)

Snider: Enfield needs to be remodeled so he can become stronger, you see. Give this to him so he’ll be prepared for it.

Enfield: From Snider...? Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this... Waagh! I knew this would be harassment!


George —> Jitte (Shaving Razor)

George: What would Jitte look like without a beard? I’ve gotten kinda curious! Haha! ☆ So because of that, please give this to him!

Jitte: Hmm? This is a delivery from George-kun? A razor...? So in other words, he’s telling me to shave!?


Kentucky —> Pennsylvania (Colorful Towel)

Kentucky: Master, if I can ask you a favor, could ya’ give this to Pennsylvania? Ah, there’s no reason. It’s just some old thing I’m sick of seeing lyin’ around...

Pennsylvania: A present from Kentucky? This... looks like it’d be useful while I’m hunting. It’s gonna be my new favorite. ♪


Pennsylvania —> Kentucky (DIY-made Easel)

Pennsylvania: Hi, Master. I’m sorry, but... Could ya’ please deliver this to Kentucky? If it comes from you, I think he’ll be more willing to take it.

Kentucky: This is from my bro Pennsylvania...?, this is teak wood. And it doesn’t look bad... I-I guess there’s no reason not to take it!


Charleville —> Springfield (Relaxing Herbal Tea)

Charleville: Hey, Master, could you please give this to Springy? It’s herbal tea, but there’s enough that you can have some too. I want to hear what you two think of the taste, okay? ♪

Springfield: This is from Charleville-niisan? What a wonderful aroma! I’m very grateful to him for always looking after me.


Chassepot —> Gras (Chikuwa1)

Chassepot: Hey, Master. Could you perhaps give this to Gras for me? I’m sure he’ll jump with joy... heheh!

Gras: Something from Chassepot? Not like that's too significant, in any case... Wagh!! A grenade launcher!?


Tabatiere —> Charleville (Gerbet Macarons)

Tabatiere: Sorry to bother you, Master, but could you please give these to Charleville? They’re his reward today.

Charleville: Yay! Thank you, Master. Tabatierre’s homemade macarons are delicious! Let’s share them! ♪


Dreyse —> Herme (German potatoes, also good when cold)

Dreyse: Master, could you please deliver these to Herme? They’re potatoes I made. They’re good even when they get cold. As thanks, you may also have a portion.

Herme: A present from Dreyse? I wonder what it is. These are... German potatoes? ...Hmm.....


Jitte —> George (Tempura Rice Burger — Test #3)

Jitte: Ah, Master. Can you give George-kun this prototype tempura rice burger and ask him what he thinks? Of course, there’s some for you too, so give me your honest opinion as well!

George: Wow! Jitte gave this to me? Haha! It looks delicious! Alright! *crunch crunch*


Karl —> Lorenz (Classical Music Record)

Karl: I have something to ask of you, Master. Would you deliver this to Lorenz? It’s a little surprise, that’s all.

Lorenz: A gift from Karl-sama...? This is a valuable record, isn’t it!? Aah, Karl-sama is truly wonderful...!


Lorenz —> Belga (12-Pack of Cola)

Lorenz:Test Subject #2, I require your cooperation with this experiment. Give this case of cola to Belga, observe what happens, and compile a report for me. Get to it, now.

Belga: Ugh, this is from Lorenz...? I’m glad to be gettin’ cola n’ all, but it’s creepy coming from him...


Cutlery —> Fal (Renowned Champagne)

Cutlery: Fal likes wine and all, so I got this for him, but... who knows if he’ll like it. Could you give it to him instead? Since it’s champagne, I don’t know if he’ll take it...

Fal: Oh, is that wine...? It looks like it would pair nicely with cheese. Would you be so kind as to give the sender my thanks?



1This is most likely a reference to the Senran Kagura game series, made by the same developer, where one game has a weapon called the “Chikuwa Grenade Launcher”. It also refers to how some Gras guns were dismantled and turned into grenade launchers during WW1.

Gifts From Musketeers (100 Interactions)

Enfield: I’ve prepared a present for you. I selected it because I thought it would most certainly suit you, however... what do you think?

((Enfield’s special tea blend))


Snider: Hey, Master. Take this. Maybe it’ll be useful to you.

((Snider’s favorite carbonated water))


George: Today, I have a present to give you. I think it’s perfect for you, Master. Come on, take it!

((George’s special deluxe burger))


Kentucky: U-Um, Master. I’d gotten something nice for myself today, but... D’ya want it instead, maybe...?

((Kentucky’s recommended Hot Brown*))


Pennsylvania: I have a gift for you today, Master. I thought this’d be a good choice, but I hope you like it alright...

((Pennsylvania’s special-made smoked meat))


Charleville: This is a present from me, Master. I’m not sure if you’ll like it, but... I’ll be happy if you accept it.

((Charleville’s signature parfait))


Chassepot: Hey, Master. I have something I want to give to you. I chose it because I’m sure it will be to your liking, but... I really do hope you’re pleased.

((Chassepot’s special-made terrine))


Tabatiere:Hey there, Master. You’re always doing so much for me, so today, I’m returning the favor. Take it, please.

((Tabatiere’s homemade canelé))


Dreyse: It’s not much, but I’ve prepared a gift to thank you for all you’ve done. Since I’m the one who prepared it, it’s useful, of course. Please, enjoy.

((Dreyse’s special-made Bratwurst))


Jitte: Um... today, I tried preparing a gift for you, instead of the other way around. It’s nothing huge, but... would you accept it?

((Edo-style sushi, gifted by Jitte))


Karl: It’s not bad to receive a gift from me once in a while, wouldn’t you say? Go on, take it. There’s no need to be modest.

((Ultra-high class chocolate from Karl))


Lorenz: Since you’ve been assisting me, I’ve prepared a gift for you today. Val... Value it, won’t you?

((Lorenz’s refreshing Viennese coffee))


Cutlery: Um, this was prepared for you... If you want it, I’ll give it to you. If you don’t, just say it.

((Pirate-style salmagundi*, overseen by Cultery))



1A Hot Brown is a hot, open-faced sandwich made with meat and cheese sauce, originating from the state of Kentucky.

2Salmagundi is a cold salad made with a variety of ingredients. The implication is that Cutlery supervised/decided what went into it.